Meet the Founders
Holly & Sian
​​​​​​Holly Lyon-Hawk
"Hello and a warm welcome to Gentle Endings.
Sian and I are deeply committed to providing families with a
beautiful and alternative space for a Celebration of Life funeral.
We offer unwavering support from the time before death
through to the end-of-life process and the funeral.
As an End of Life Practitioner for both people and pets, and
a multi-award-winning holistic funeral director, I bring a wealth of experience to this role.
I also wrote "A Gentle Goodbye with Cinnamon the Rabbit" to support pet owners during the difficult time of losing a pet.
I originally founded 'Holly's Funerals' before leaving this company in 2019 deciding to work independently.
I now have the immense privilege of collaborating with Sian, who shares my passion for supporting
families and enhancing the beauty and choices available for Celebration of Life funerals.
I serve on the committee for the Association of Green Funeral Directors and the Embracing Life Through Facing Death collective.
As a specialist in ceremonial care of the body, I frequently give talks and teach this ancient art to both professionals and the public.
My background includes veterinary nursing, working as a wildlife sculptor, and ultimately becoming a holistic funeral director.
I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you through this journey.
With love
​​​​​​Sian Maplesden
Sian is a multi-award-winning natural burial ground manager with many
years experience of supporting bereaved families.
This is a calling for her and her wish in life is to be of service to families at,
what is for most, the hardest time in their lives as well as to help bring change
to the funeral industry and gift families the peace of mind of having holistic care
all the way through and give families choice and freedom to craft a Celebration of
Life funeral that truly fits their needs and will help to bring some comfort through
the grieving process.
Sian's dedication to this work and families is quite incredible.